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UIDAI New Guidelines: Restricted new Aadhaar enrollment above 18 years

UIDAI Restricting New enrolment of residents who is above 18 years of age. UIDAI 18 वर्ष से अधिक आयु के निवासियों के नए नामांकन को प्रतिबंधित कर रहा है। Strengthening of Aadhaar Enrolment Ecosystem reg. Ref: OM No. 16027/1/2022-EU-I-HQ dated 06.09.2022.

UIDAI New Guidelines :

Unique Identification Authority of India has been decided to designate specific Aadhaar centres for enrolment of adult residents at Every District/Sub-District/ Block/ Tehsil HQ. reg. Ref: OM No. 16027/1/2022-EU-I-HQ dated 06.09.2022. UIDAI has been decided to restrict the facility of new enrolment of adult residents (residents in the age group of more than 18 years). Enrollment of new Aadhaar for adult residents (residents above the age of 18 years) only at the following Aadhaar centers:


2. All State / District level Aadhaar centres run by CSC e-Gov.

3. Designated Aadhaar centres run by India Post/Indian Railways or any Central Govt. Ministry at District/Sub District/Block/Tehsil Head Quarters.

4. Designated Aadhaar centres run by State Government Registrars at District/Sub District/Block/Tehsil Head Quarter.

Note:- There will be no restriction on the use of CELC clients / ECMP clients operated by any registrar for fresh enrollment, update (biometric / demographic), Aadhaar print, Aadhaar document update etc., of a child in the age group of 0-18 years.

The new system will be fully functional from 01 December 2022. State/UT Governments have been asked to set up District Level Aadhaar Monitoring Committees to monitor Aadhaar related issues. The committee will also be responsible for monitoring the designated Aadhaar centers for fresh enrollment for adults as mentioned above.

UIDAI के नए दिशानिर्देश :

भारतीय विशिष्ट पहचान प्राधिकरण ने प्रत्येक जिला/उप-जिला/ब्लॉक/तहसील मुख्यालय में वयस्क निवासियों के नामांकन के लिए विशिष्ट आधार केंद्रों को नामित करने का निर्णय लिया है। reg Ref: OM No. 16027/1/2022-EU-I-HQ दिनांक 06.09.2022। UIDAI ने वयस्क निवासियों (18 वर्ष से अधिक आयु वर्ग के निवासी) के नए नामांकन की सुविधा को प्रतिबंधित करने का निर्णय लिया है। केवल निम्नलिखित आधार केंद्रों पर वयस्क निवासियों (18 वर्ष से अधिक आयु के निवासी) के लिए नए आधार का नामांकन की सुविधा रहेगी: 


2. सीएससी ई-गवर्नेंस द्वारा संचालित सभी राज्य/जिला स्तर के आधार केंद्र।

3. भारतीय डाक/भारतीय रेलवे या किसी केंद्र सरकार द्वारा संचालित नामित आधार केंद्र। जिला/उप जिला/ब्लॉक/तहसील मुख्यालय में मंत्रालय।

4. जिला/उप जिला/ब्लॉक/तहसील मुख्यालय में राज्य सरकार के रजिस्ट्रार द्वारा संचालित नामित आधार केंद्र।

नोट:- 0-18 वर्ष के आयु वर्ग के बच्चे के नए नामांकन, अद्यतन (बायोमेट्रिक / जनसांख्यिकीय), आधार प्रिंट, आधार दस्तावेज़ अद्यतन आदि के लिए किसी भी रजिस्ट्रार द्वारा संचालित सीईएलसी ग्राहकों / ईसीएमपी ग्राहकों के उपयोग पर कोई प्रतिबंध नहीं होगा।

नई प्रणाली 01 दिसंबर 2022 से पूरी तरह कार्यात्मक होगी। राज्य/केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों की सरकारों को आधार से संबंधित मुद्दों की निगरानी के लिए जिला स्तरीय आधार निगरानी समितियों का गठन करने के लिए कहा गया है। समिति ऊपर बताए अनुसार वयस्कों के लिए नए नामांकन के लिए नामित आधार केंद्रों की निगरानी के लिए भी जिम्मेदार होगी।



Subject: Strengthening of Aadhaar Enrolment Ecosystem – Restricting New enrolment of residents at designated Aadhaar centres only – reg. Ref: OM No. 16027/1/2022-EU-I-HQ dated 06.09.2022. In supersession of OM No. 16027/1/2022-EU-I-HQ dated 06.09.2022 on the subject cited above.

1. It has been decided to restrict the facility of new enrolment of adult residents (residents in the age group of more than 18 years), at the following Aadhaar centres only:


ii. All State / District level Aadhaar centres run by CSC e-Gov.

ii. Designated Aadhaar centres run by India Post/Indian Railways or any Central Govt. Ministry at District/Sub District/Block/Tehsil Head Quarters. (ROS to designate such centers in consultation with respective Registrars. The number of such Aadhaar centres at District/Sub-District/Block/Tehsil Headquarters to be decided by respective RO, in consultation with respective Registrar).

iv. Designated Aadhaar centres run by State Government Registrars at District/Sub District/Block/Tehsil Head Quarter. (ROS to designate such centres in consultation with respective State Government Registrars. The number of such Aadhaar centres at District/Sub-District/Block/Tehsil Headquarters to be decided by respective RO in consultation with State Govt Registrar).

2. All remaining ECMP clients shall continue with all existing provisions

except new enrolment for adult.

3. There shall be no restriction on usage of CELC client by any Registrar for new enrolment of child under the age group of 0-5 years.

4. Tech Development Division to take necessary action to make changes in the ECMP client to meet the above requirement.

5. Process to be followed by respective stake holders:

i. Regional Offices to share the list of Station IDs of selected Aadhaar enrolment centres (where new Aadhaar enrolment for adult to be permitted) to Tech Operations Division and Tech Development Division.

ii. On receipt of the Station IDs, Tech Operations to notify the list and to share the URL for updating the ECMP client (having provision for new enrolment for adult) with access to selected Station IDs.

iii. All other Stations to be updated (OTA update) with new version of client having provision for all features other than adult enrolment such as enrolment of child upto 18 years, updates (Biometric/ Demographic), Find Aadhaar, Print Aadhaar, Document Update etc. The Stations using online ECMP client shall continue with provision for demographic update only (for CSC BCs).

iv. If any new enrolment packet for adult is wrongly got generated at any centres, other than the specified Stations, such packets shall be rejected during backend processing.

6. State/UT Governments have been asked to constitute District Level Aadhaar Monitoring Committee to monitor the Aadhaar related issues. The committee will also be responsible for monitoring the Aadhaar Centers designated for new enrolment for adult as mentioned above.

7. This exercise may be completed in a time bound manner as follows.

a) Finalizing list by UIDAI Regional Offices and 10th Oct 2022 sending to Tech Dev & Tech Ops

b) Effecting required update in the client and roll 31st Oct 2022 out of Alpha, Beta and stable version of clients as per above requirement. to 30th Nov 2022

8. The new arrangement will be fully functional from – 01st December 2022.

9. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

Signed by Prabhakaran

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